Home » WhatsApp’s Big Update: Instagram-Like Feature Rolls Out

WhatsApp’s Big Update: Instagram-Like Feature Rolls Out

The in-the-know People believes that WhatsApp is getting ready to roll out a feature that will take the application that much closer to realizing its highly publicized vision of eventually becoming a Meta-verse platform, inspired, of course, by Instagram. With this new feature, status update users will be allowed to mention specific contacts, yet another layer of personalization and engagement through which the popular messaging app engages its beloved users.

Imagine this: you just posted a WhatsApp status-a picture from your weekend trip, or just some funny video of the event last night. Now with this new feature, you can simply tag contacts while posting status updates like tagging people on Instagram. When someone is tagged, they will receive a notification immediately so that they do not miss updates that you want them to see. The good thing about this is that your closest friends or very important contacts will not miss your update.

Making use of the Mention Feature

How to use this new feature is very simple. You should be able to see a new button on the caption bar of your update to tag contacts, and you can mention contacts before posting the status. It would alert that contact by displaying there has been a mention of their name in a status, and there will also be a message inside their chat stating they have been mentioned in a status.

The interesting thing about this is that mentions are private. So, in a mention, only the contact you are mentioning will know they have been tagged; this information will not appear in the status update to other viewers of your status. This privacy ensures that your mention is discreet and only notifies the person you want to reach out to, which is perfect for personal shout-outs or targeting specific people without spreading it to everybody.

Notifications and Resharing

Contacts that you mention are always informed of your status update, even if you haven’t shared it directly with them. This means critical updates concerning the ones that you mention will always find their way to them, hence not missing any information.

If your update is worthwhile or interesting to the mentioned contact, they can retweet it. For this, WhatsApp has also put a new reshare button on the status screen, but in contrast to Instagram when a contacted-mention reshapes your status update, the original creator’s identity does not unfold itself; therefore, that viewer of the reshared status does not know who originally posted it. Hence, your content may reach wider audiences more privately as you mask your identity.
Meta AI Improvements

In addition to the feature with mentions, WhatsApp is fine-tuning its Meta AI. The company has been trying some different voice options for its AI chatbot in order to make the interactions more engaging and personalized. Although there isn’t a confirmed date yet, reports suggest that Meta AI will soon arrive with a variety of voices, among which will be three UK voices and two US voices, all with different pitches and tones. This will allow users to select a voice that would suit them-their own preference or region accent-and makes conversation with the chatbot personable.


The new mention feature in WhatsApp status updates is quite promising-it makes it easier to get the other person’s attention and engage more personally. Some good news is that, together with improvements from Meta AI soon to come, offering a more personalized interactive experience, these updates will make your WhatsApp usage even more dynamic and engaging. Keep your eyes peeled for these rollouts-they are set to make your WhatsApp experience even more interesting and lively than before.

Q1: What is the new feature WhatsApp is introducing?

WhatsApp is introducing a new feature that allows users to mention specific contacts in their status updates. This feature will let you tag people in your status, similar to tagging on Instagram, so they receive an immediate notification.

Q2: How do I use the new mentions feature in WhatsApp?

To use the mentions feature, go to post a status update and look for a new button on the caption bar dedicated to tagging contacts. You can select which contacts you want to mention before publishing your status. The tagged contacts will receive a notification and a message in their chat.

Q3: Are mentions visible to all viewers of my status update?

No, mentions are private. Only the contact you mention will know they’ve been tagged. Other viewers of your status update will not see the mentions.

Q4: Can mentioned contacts reshare my status update?

Yes, mentioned contacts can reshare your status update. However, the identity of the original creator remains anonymous when reshared, so viewers won’t know who originally posted it.

Q5: What improvements are being made to Meta AI on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp is enhancing its Meta AI by introducing new voice options for the AI chatbot. Soon, users will have access to different UK and US voices with varying pitches and tones to make interactions more engaging and personalized.

Q6: When will these new features be available on WhatsApp?

The exact release dates for these features have not been confirmed yet. Keep an eye out for updates from WhatsApp for the rollout information.

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