How to cancel order on Flipkart after payment

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How to cancel order on Flipkart after payment
How to cancel order on Flipkart after payment 3

how can i cancel my order on Flipkart after payment?

Canceling an order on Flipkart is True Line if the object has now not been shipped. If the product is already shipped from the seller’s warehouse. You choose to cancel the order after the product has been shipped, then want to talk to Flipkart customer care and make a request to cancel the order.

After the order has been canceled, the cash will be refunded to debit card, credit scorecard, or web banking account. In thecase of COD Cash on Delivery, you will no longer acquire any refund as you have no longer pay the money.

How to cancel order on Flipkart app?

  1. Canceling the order for Flipkart app, you need to open the app and pick out “My Orders” option.
  2. As quickly you click on “My Orders”. You will be capable to see the list of all your orders. Select the order which you choose to cancel and click on ‘Cancel’ button.
  3. In the subsequent step, you will be requested to grant motives for canceling your order. If your purpose is no longer listed, you can choose ‘My purpose is no longer listed’ and in the comment container grant the reason. The remark part is optional; you can fill or depart it as it is.
  4. After offering the reasons, you need to click on on ‘Confirm Cancellation’. Now your order will be canceled and you will obtain refund to the mode via which you have made the payment.

How to cancel order on Flipkart website?

  1. If you want to cancel the order on the Flipkart website, you should go to & login to your Flipkart account.
  2. After you log in to your account, click on username which is displayed in the navigation section. Then click on on ‘Orders’.
  3. Then Click on the orders, all orders are displayed on the screen.
  4. Select the order you favor to cancel and click on cancel.
  5. You thought to pick out the purpose for canceling the order and click on on ‘Confirm Cancellation’ button.
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