The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has disseminated a Consultation Paper titled “Review of Telecom Consumer Protection Regulation (TCPR), 2012,” inviting feedback from stakeholders. This paper seeks to resurrect the concept of voice and SMS-exclusive packages, highlighting that the current all-encompassing plans may compel many subscribers to pay for superfluous services.
The telecom watchdog observes that the prevalent market offerings predominantly comprise bundled tariffs incorporating voice, data, SMS, and OTT services, which may not align with the specific needs of all users. The perception is that subscribers are being coerced into paying for services they neither require nor utilize, TRAI elucidates in the document.
Further, there is a sentiment among consumers that these bundled telecom services restrict their ability to choose specific telecom tariff plans that suit their needs. The consultation paper underscores this constraint on consumer choice.
Additionally, TRAI is contemplating the telecom industry’s request to address the issue of “color coding of vouchers” and “denomination vouchers.” Historically, service providers employed different color schemes for various plans—green for top-up, blue for combo, among others. The paper queries whether such color coding would hold relevance in digital platforms as well.
TRAI has invited written comments on the Consultation Paper from stakeholders by August 16, 2024. Counter comments, if any, should be submitted by August 23, 2024.