Staff Selection Commission released the detailed mark for the Head Constable (Ministerial) in the Delhi Police Examination, 2022, on February 7. Candidates can check the marks on the official website at ssc.nic.in.
Staff Selection Commission has declared the final result of the Head Constable (Ministerial) in the Delhi Police Examination, 2022, on December 27, 2023.
“Candidates may check their individual marks by logging in using their Username (i.e. Registration Number) and Password (Registered Password) on the website of the Commission and clicking on the Result/Marks tab on the candidate dashboard. This facility will be available for the candidates for a period from 07.02.2024 to 21.02.2024”, reads the official notification.
Visit the official website at ssc.nic.in.
Take the printout of the same for future reference.
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