The Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) has released notification for recruitment of 1768 secondary teacher posts. Eligible candidates will be able to apply for the posts by registering themselves on the official website at trb.tn.gov.in, starting February 14, 2024, and till March 15, 2024.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) at www.trb.tn.gov.in.
Step 2: Locate and click on “Apply Online” and proceed to register for the Secondary Grade Teacher Posts. Provide necessary information such as your name, contact details, etc.
Step 3: Once registered, log in to the portal using the generated password and registration number.
Step 4: Fill out the application form with required information and upload documents in the prescribed format.
Step 5: Pay the application fee according to your category.
Step 6: Finally, click on the ‘submit’ button to complete the registration process.
The TN TRB Secondary Teacher Selection Process for 2024 includes three stages. In Stage I, candidates must pass the Compulsory Teacher Eligibility Test. Moving on to Stage II, candidates must take a written exam. Finally, in Stage III, successful candidates move on to Certificate Verification.
For more details check the official notification below.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TN TRB) at www.trb.tn.gov.in.
Step 2: Locate and click on “Apply Online” and proceed to register for the Secondary Grade Teacher Posts. Provide necessary information such as your name, contact details, etc.
Step 3: Once registered, log in to the portal using the generated password and registration number.
Step 4: Fill out the application form with required information and upload documents in the prescribed format.
Step 5: Pay the application fee according to your category.
Step 6: Finally, click on the ‘submit’ button to complete the registration process.
The TN TRB Secondary Teacher Selection Process for 2024 includes three stages. In Stage I, candidates must pass the Compulsory Teacher Eligibility Test. Moving on to Stage II, candidates must take a written exam. Finally, in Stage III, successful candidates move on to Certificate Verification.
For more details check the official notification below.
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