In addition to features like being able to lock your really private chats and log in to WhatsApp across multiple phones, WhatsApp just recently made it possible to modify messages. The most recent one, the change button, allows users of WhatsApp to edit a message, but there is a time restriction and you can’t use the function at any time. The ability to fix mistakes might prevent users from humiliation or misunderstanding, whether it’s a typo, an incorrect term, or a taken comment.
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Recent updates to WhatsApp have added the ability to edit messages to its list of capabilities, which already includes the ability to lock your most private chats and log in from various devices. The newest one called the “change button,” enables WhatsApp users to edit a message, but there is a time limit and you can’t use the feature at any time. Having the option to rectify errors, whether they be a typo, an inaccurate phrase, or misunderstood statements, may shield people from embarrassment or misunderstanding.
Recent upgrades to WhatsApp have expanded its range of features, which already includes the option to lock your most private chats and log in from other devices, by adding the ability to modify messages. The most recent one, known as the “change button,” allows users of WhatsApp to alter a message, but there is a time restriction and you can’t use the tool at any time. People may avoid humiliation or misunderstanding if they have the ability to correct errors, whether they be a typo, an inaccurate term, or a misinterpreted comment.
How to edit sent messages on WhatsApp
- Open WhatsApp and go to any chat.
- Long-press on the message you want to edit.
- Tap on the “Edit Message” option.
- Make the necessary changes to the text.
- Tap on the send button to update the edited message.
Important considerations to keep in mind
Keep in mind that the messaging platform will only allow you to edit your message for a period of 15 minutes. After that, if you mistakenly mistype something, there will be no way to fix it except to erase the message.
It’s also crucial to bear in mind that altering a message won’t prompt the receiver to receive a new chat notice, so unless you act fast, they won’t know whether you’ve altered or modified the message. You may edit pictures, movies, and other sorts of material and captions using the chat platform. Both iOS and Android users may access the function.