There are reports that WhatsApp is working on a new feature allowing users to create a text status that disappears. This means that you can set a temporary text status that expires on its own after a certain time. According to WABetaInfo, the feature was present in the most recent WhatsApp beta for iOS
A report claims that WhatsApp is developing a feature update for the profile description feature. With this update, users will be able to choose a timer that will cause the description linked to their profile to vanish after a specified period. In particular, users won’t be able to have a persistent text status in the future because the “Never” option won’t be available.
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Giving users more control over who can see their personal information is the aim of the new text status feature with a timer. It improves privacy and personal information control by allowing them to post brief updates without keeping a permanent text status.
WhatsApp is also rolling out a feature that allows users to hide the Meta AI shortcut from the Chats tab. Originally designed to make AI-powered chats easier to access directly from the Chats page, users can now opt to remove these shortcuts according to their preferences. It appears that the app will receive an upgrade in the future including both of these capabilities.