Meta has recently unveiled its Meta AI chatbot on WhatsApp, which has rapidly gained traction among users. This AI chatbot, also available on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, is now set to receive a major update. According to WABetaInfo, a WhatsApp update tracker, Meta AI will soon be capable of responding to photos and editing them.
New Capabilities on the Horizon
Spotted in the WhatsApp beta for Android version, this forthcoming feature is still under development and currently not accessible to all beta testers. However, WABetaInfo has provided a glimpse of the AI’s potential through shared screenshots. These images reveal that Meta AI will grant users complete control over image modifications, including the ability to delete them at any time.
Enhanced User Experience
The new functionality will allow users to edit photos directly within the chatbot using a custom prompt. This capability mirrors features available in other generative AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini AI. While some open-sourced models of Llama 3 can also perform image editing, they require local operation without accessing external resources.
Streamlined Photo Editing
This innovative feature promises to enhance the WhatsApp user experience by enabling swift photo edits and adjustments directly within the app, thus saving valuable time. With this update, users will no longer need to switch between different applications to edit their images, making the process more efficient and seamless.
In conclusion, Meta’s initiative to integrate advanced AI functionalities into WhatsApp underscores its commitment to improving user interaction and convenience across its platforms. This upcoming feature is poised to make photo editing and replies more accessible and intuitive for all users.