With the end of 2023, WhatsApp has launched a lot of features, today we will tell you about 5 such great features and we will also tell you about their benefits, and how we can use them, so let’s see.
5 best WhatsApp features
For the messaging platform, this year was particularly important since Meta really went into overdrive, launching significant new features practically every month to enhance the user experience. The channel was possibly the most significant addition.
- Locked chats
“Locked Chats” is a new feature that launched this year. Go to a chat’s details and choose “Locked Chats” to use it. To move it to a secure folder, follow to the guidelines. You can only access these protected chats by verifying your passcode, fingerprint, or face unlock.
- old Chat search
It’s now easier to find an old text, even if you have trouble remembering keywords. It’s simple using the new calendar search option. When you tap the calendar icon in the chat’s search box, results from a certain date will appear right away. Remove the never-ending scrolling to locate a message from the previous year or month. Please take note that you may not have this functionality yet since it is still under beta testing.
Tired of losing important conversations? To make conversations easier to find, you can now pin up to three conversations to the top of your chat list. Simply choose “Pin Chat” by long-pressing a chat window. To pin a chat on iOS, swipe right. Until you unpin them, pinned conversations remain at the top. Additionally, you may now pin specific messages within chats. Simply press and hold a message to bring up the three-dot menu, then select “Pin.” This makes it easy for you to remember important information.
- Silence Unknown Callers
Silencing unknown numbers can help you cut down on annoying spam calls. Navigate to Calls > Settings > Privacy > Silence Unknown Callers. Your phone won’t ring or vibrate when an unknown caller calls, but you’ll still be able to check the missed calls in your call log. This minimizes the interruptions caused by unwanted calls.
- Login to WhatsApp account across multiple devices
This is the last feature, so let’s see today’s 5 best WhatsApp features. Companion Mode allows you to link your WhatsApp account to many different devices. You can sync chats between your primary phone and a secondary device, like an iPad or another phone. Open WhatsApp on your second smartphone, select “Or link this device to an existing account,” and then scan the QR code to complete the setup process. You can now easily access your chats on several devices through this.
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