WhatsApp has become the standard messaging application for many individuals all around the world in recent years. However, as its use has grown, WhatsApp has also become a popular destination for spam and commercial messages. This was one of the reasons why millions of people moved from SMS to WhatsApp texting. Unfortunately, the sophistication of WhatsApp fraud is increasing, and consumers are faced with new challenges.
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Receiving calls from international numbers is one of the most popular WhatsApp scams these days. According to the ISD codes provided, these calls, both audio, and video, frequently originate in Malaysia, Kenya, and Vietnam. These calls are becoming more common, and many consumers are naturally concerned about how scammers gained their phone numbers.
WhatsApp works on a VoIP network, so users can make calls from any nation without incurring additional expenses. Because of this, it has become easier for scammers to make international calls to unaware users. While most individuals feel scared when they receive a call from a foreign number, they should not assume the caller’s motives.
The purpose of these calls is unknown, however, scammers frequently attempt to get sensitive information that they can use to steal money from a user’s account. As a result, users must remain careful and refrain from disclosing any personal information during such calls.
It is critical to understand that just because you receive a call from an international number does not always imply that the call originated in that country. There are now companies that sell international phone lines for WhatsApp calls, even if they are in the same city as you. This information highlights the importance of customers exercising caution while receiving calls from unknown numbers, whether domestic or international.