WhatsApp has recently made an important update to its terms of service regarding chat backup on Android devices. This update states that WhatsApp chat backups on Google Drive will no longer be free and will now count against your Google account storage. While this change is already in effect for WhatsApp beta users, it will be implemented for regular users in the coming months.
This change is not entirely surprising, as WhatsApp has already limited chat backups on iOS devices to the available storage quota on iCloud, which is only 5 GB on the free tier. In comparison, Google currently provides 15 GB of free cloud storage for each account. However, this storage is shared among various services such as Gmail, Google Photos, and more.
For Android users who rely on WhatsApp, this means that they may need to consider opting for a Google One subscription to fully back up their chats along with media files. Google has been actively promoting its Google One Cloud service, and this change in WhatsApp’s terms of service further aligns with their strategy. It is worth noting that Google recently stopped offering free unlimited storage on Google Photos, leading many users to subscribe to Google One to continue backing up their photos and videos.
How to Continue Backing Up WhatsApp Chat Data for Free on Google Drive?
If you have sufficient free storage on Google Drive within the 15 GB quota, you can continue backing up your WhatsApp chats for free. Additionally, you can optimize your chat backup size by deleting any unwanted content from WhatsApp before uploading. WhatsApp also provides the option to back up only text messages without media files (such as photos and videos), significantly reducing the backup size.
Furthermore, WhatsApp offers an alternative method for transferring chats from one phone to another without relying on cloud backup. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who frequently switch smartphones.
Consider the Most Affordable Google One Cloud Service
If you find that your free storage on Google Drive is insufficient or you want additional storage for other Google services, you can opt for the most affordable Google One cloud service. Priced at Rs 130 a month or Rs 1300 a year, this subscription offers 100 GB of cloud storage, which includes the initial 15 GB. Along with the increased storage capacity, Google One also provides additional features for Google Photos and more.
In conclusion, WhatsApp’s recent update regarding chat backup on Android devices signifies a shift in policy where these backups will no longer be free and will count against your Google account storage. Android users who rely on WhatsApp may need to consider options such as optimizing their backup size, utilizing alternative chat transfer methods, or subscribing to Google One for additional storage. Stay informed and make the necessary adjustments to continue backing up your WhatsApp chats effectively.