India to Become Largest Software Developer Hub by 2027, AI Fuels Economic Boom

India is on track to become the world’s largest hub for software developers by 2027, a shift fueled by the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on democratizing coding. This was highlighted by Thomas Dohmke, CEO of Microsoft-owned GitHub, during his address at the ET World Leaders Forum in New Delhi. Dohmke emphasized how AI, particularly tools like GitHub Copilot, is breaking down language barriers and enabling non-English-speaking developers to make significant contributions to the global coding community.

AI: A Game Changer for Non-English Developers

Dohmke envisions a future where AI enables developers to code in their native languages, such as Hindi or Kannada, without needing fluency in English. “AI is a great leveller,” he stated. “It’s going to make it easier to navigate an existing code base without being fluent in English, as you can leverage Copilot in Hindi or Kannada.” This shift is set to open new opportunities for native developers, allowing them to contribute more effectively to the global programming landscape.

Breaking Language Barriers in Coding

Traditionally, English has been the primary language of coding and software documentation, which has limited participation from non-English speakers. Dohmke explained that AI can bridge this gap by allowing developers to interact with AI assistants in their own languages. “In many instances, you’re not learning English or reading a lot of English documentation. You just ask the AI assistant in the language of your comfort,” he noted.

This democratization of coding is expected to empower developers in countries where English fluency is a barrier, such as Japan. “Developers in cultures like Japan want to contribute, but they face language barriers. AI will democratize that collaboration model even more so than open source has already done,” Dohmke added.

The Rise of the Indian Developer Community

GitHub has seen substantial growth in its Indian user base, which has now reached 15.4 million developers, up from 5.8 million in 2021. This represents a three-fold increase in just three years. The company has onboarded an additional 2.2 million developers from India, and the momentum is only growing.

GitHub’s projections indicate that the developer community in India is on track to surpass that of the United States, which currently stands at 21 million, by 2027. Dohmke described this period as “an era of great convergence,” where the rise of AI and the growth of the Indian developer base will create significant economic opportunities for the country.

AI and India’s Economic Opportunity

The convergence of AI and the burgeoning Indian developer community presents a unique economic opportunity. “India is going to become the largest nation of software developers in 2027,” Dohmke said. “With the rise of AI and those two movements coming together, it will create a big economic opportunity for India.”

A recent report by GitHub showed that developers using GitHub Copilot completed tasks 55% faster than those who did not. This efficiency boost could translate into significant economic benefits as more developers in India and worldwide adopt AI-powered tools.

GitHub: The Largest Team Sport on Earth

Dohmke, who grew up in East Berlin, reflects on his journey from a time when software was scarce to today, where software underpins nearly every aspect of life. He proudly refers to GitHub as “the largest team sport on Earth,” emphasizing the platform’s role in fostering global collaboration without cultural boundaries.

“It’s one of the few things on this planet where we collaborate with each other without cultural boundaries,” Dohmke said, highlighting the inclusive nature of open-source development facilitated by platforms like GitHub.


With AI breaking down language barriers and democratizing coding, India is poised to become the largest community of software developers by 2027. GitHub’s efforts to foster an inclusive environment for non-English speakers and the rapid growth of the Indian developer community underscore the country’s potential to become a global leader in software development, driving technological innovation and economic growth.


  1. Why is India projected to become the largest software developer community by 2027?
    India’s developer base is growing rapidly, fueled by AI tools that break down language barriers, allowing more native developers to contribute to coding.
  2. How does AI help non-English speaking developers?
    AI tools like GitHub Copilot enable developers to code in their native languages, reducing the need for English proficiency and fostering inclusivity.
  3. What impact will AI have on the Indian economy?
    AI’s rise, combined with India’s expanding developer community, is expected to create significant economic opportunities, driving technological advancement.
  4. How much faster do developers complete tasks using AI tools like GitHub Copilot?
    According to GitHub, developers using Copilot complete tasks 55% faster than those who don’t use the tool.
  5. What is GitHub’s role in fostering global collaboration?
    GitHub serves as a platform for developers worldwide to collaborate on projects without cultural or language boundaries, supporting a diverse open-source community.

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