Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire and founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris on August 26, 2024. The arrest occurred shortly after Durov arrived on a private jet from Azerbaijan. Here’s what we know about the situation so far:
Arrest Details
- Location: Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport, a private aviation hub outside Paris.
- Reason: According to reports, Durov was arrested due to an outstanding arrest warrant related to an investigation into Telegram’s moderation practices and alleged failures to cooperate with law enforcement.
Responses and Reactions
- From Moscow: The Russian government has issued a warning to Paris, demanding that Durov be accorded his rights. Russian lawmaker Maria Butina has called Durov a “political prisoner” and accused the West of conducting a “witch-hunt.”
- From Telegram: The company has defended Durov, stating that the platform adheres to EU laws and industry standards for moderation. Telegram claims that the arrest is absurd and that Durov travels frequently in Europe without any intention of hiding.
- From Elon Musk: The owner of X (formerly Twitter) criticized the arrest, suggesting that it reflects a broader attack on free speech in Europe.
Background on Telegram and Durov
- Telegram’s Impact: The app, which has nearly 1 billion users, is influential in Russia, Ukraine, and the former Soviet republics. It has become a critical platform for unfiltered news and commentary, particularly regarding the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
- Durov’s History: Pavel Durov, who has dual French and UAE citizenship, founded Telegram after leaving Russia in 2014 due to disagreements with the Russian government over censorship. His younger brother, Nikolai Durov, helped develop the app’s encryption technology.
Investigations and Future Outlook
- Ongoing Investigation: The French authorities are investigating allegations related to Telegram’s content moderation and its cooperation with police. The case is being handled by a cybersecurity gendarmerie unit and France’s national anti-fraud police unit.
- Potential Consequences: Durov’s arrest has sparked significant attention, with debates about privacy, free speech, and international law surrounding tech platforms.