
Google has recently issued a privacy update for Gemini AI, cautioning users about what they share with the app as well as the retention of conversations and related data. Notably, it will retain user data for up to three years, even if it has been deleted. The Gemini Apps Privacy Hub outlines the specifics of this policy, emphasising the separation of reviewed or annotated conversations and their detachment from Google Accounts.

When interacting with Gemin AI app, users contribute private information, which Google utilises for product improvement and machine learning advancements: Conversations, Location, Feedback and Usage information.

Of particular concern is the collection of conversations, prompting users to question who has access to this sensitive data. Google addresses this by affirming a commitment to privacy, assuring users that personal information is not sold to any third parties. To strike a balance between privacy and improvement, Google anonymises a subset of conversations using automated tools to eliminate user-identifying details. However, that still does not mean anyone should share their sensitive private data with Gemini Ai.

Cautionary Note: Watch What You Share in Conversations

Within the section titled “Your data and Gemini Apps,” users are advised not to disclose confidential information or data they wouldn’t want reviewers or Google to leverage for product enhancement. Furthermore, the privacy notice explicitly states:

“Gemini Apps conversations that have been reviewed by human reviewers are not deleted when you delete your Gemini Apps activity because they are kept separately and are not connected to your Google Account. Instead, they are retained for up to three years.”

Three Year Data Retention

The three-year retention period raises concerns about the longevity of users’ conversations within the Gemini ecosystem. Even when Gemini Apps Activity is turned off, Google specifies that conversations will persist with the user account for up to 72 hours. This duration facilitates service provision and feedback processing, with the assurance that such activity will not be visible in the Gemini Apps Activity log.

In light of these considerations, users are urged to exercise caution and refrain from sharing confidential information within Gemini conversations, being mindful that data retention extends beyond the deletion of app activity. Understanding the implications of Gemini’s privacy policy is crucial for users who prioritise safeguarding their personal information in the digital realm.


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By Pankaj

Pankaj: Tech Blogger and fanatic Pankaj is a committed pc technology scholar with over three years of revel in in tech running a blog. He specializes in creating engaging content that covers technology recommendations, how-to publications, and the trendy tech information. Known for his clear and insightful writing fashion, Pankaj strives to make complicated generation subjects accessible and understandable. Past his personal blog, he actively supports and mentors other bloggers, sharing his understanding to help them be triumphant. Pankaj’s dedication to handing over dependable and sensible tech records has made him a depended on parent within the tech network. Whether or not you’re seeking expert recommendation or the contemporary updates, Pankaj’s content material provides precious insights for tech fans and professionals alike.

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