WhatsApp, the popular instant messaging service owned by Meta, has recently introduced a new WhatsApp’s AI Assistant (AI-powered chatbot) to enhance user experience. This exciting feature has been tested in the United States, and it aims to make your interactions on WhatsApp even more convenient and efficient.
Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has been gradually integrating AI-powered features into its products like Facebook and Instagram. Now, it’s WhatsApp’s turn to benefit from the power of generative AI. Earlier this year, at the Meta Connect 2023 event, the tech giant announced the upcoming addition of an AI chatbot to WhatsApp.
The latest WhatsApp beta for Android has introduced a new shortcut button, allowing users to quickly access the AI-powered chatbot without navigating through the conversation list. Located in the “Chats” section, this convenient shortcut button is placed on top of the “New Chat” button, making it easily accessible for users.
While the new AI chatbot feature is currently limited to a select group of users, there is anticipation for its wider availability soon. WhatsApp users around the world are excitedly waiting for this innovative addition to their messaging experience.
What Can Meta’s Whatsapp AI Chatbot Do?
In September this year, Meta unveiled its new AI chatbot, designed to assist users with a wide range of tasks. From answering queries to helping plan trips, this AI-powered assistant is here to make your life easier.
Meta has also partnered with Microsoft’s Bing Chat, enabling the chatbot to provide real-time web results. This integration enhances the chatbot’s capabilities, ensuring it can offer up-to-date information and assist you in finding what you need.
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Additionally, the AI assistant is equipped with image-generation capabilities. By using the ‘/imagine’ command, users can create realistic-looking images from scratch, free of charge. This feature is similar to text-to-image generators like MidJourney and Bing Image Creator, allowing you to bring your ideas to life.
Powered by a custom model that combines Llama 2 and Meta’s latest large language model research, Meta AI’s chatbot can do much more than just answer questions. It can provide recommendations, entertain you with jokes, settle debates in group chats, and even teach you something new.
With the introduction of this AI chatbot, WhatsApp is taking a significant step towards enhancing user experience. The convenience and efficiency of having an AI assistant at your fingertips will undoubtedly make your interactions on WhatsApp more enjoyable and productive.
While the exact timeline for the wider release of the AI chatbot is yet to be announced, WhatsApp users can look forward to the day when they can benefit from this innovative feature. Stay tuned for updates as Meta continues to refine and expand the capabilities of its AI-powered chatbot.