In a bid to elevate the messaging experience, WhatsApp has introduced 4 fresh text formatting options that empower users to communicate more efficiently. As of now, WhatsApp users on Android, iOS, Web, and Mac, as well as those using Channels, can leverage bulleted lists and numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code to accentuate and organise their messages. These enhancements aim to simplify the comprehension of extensive text sections.
The development of these formatting options has been underway for some time, and now users across various platforms can enjoy the benefits. These additions complement the existing repertoire of bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace formats, which were already available to all WhatsApp users, The Verge reported.
For those eager to incorporate these new formatting options into their messages, WhatsApp has provided simple markdown-style syntax.
Here’s a quick guide on how to use them:
- Bulleted lists: Easily create lists with bullet points by placing a “-” symbol at the start of your text, followed by a space.
- Numbered lists: If your information needs a specific order, utilise numbered lists by adding one or two digits, followed by a period and a full space – for example, “1. “.
- Block quotes: Highlight text in longer messages with block quotes. Simply type the “>” symbol followed by a space before the text you wish to emphasise.
- Inline code: Perfect for coders and highlighting specific information, users can wrap their text with the “`” symbol – `like this.`
These new features add versatility to messaging on WhatsApp, providing users with creative ways to express themselves and convey information. It’s a welcome update that aligns with the evolving needs of the messaging platform’s diverse user base.
For those unfamiliar with the old formatting options, users can still employ bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace formats using simple symbols like “*”, “_”, “~”, and ““`” respectively. These options remain available for users who prefer the classic formatting styles.
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