Receiving International Calls with Indian Numbers? Here’s What the Government Suggests You Do

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Receiving International Calls with Indian Numbers? Here's What the Government Suggests You Do

International spoofed calls have become a significant concern for Indian citizens, with cybercriminals devising sophisticated schemes to deceive and exploit unsuspecting individuals. At the core of these scams, cybercriminals manipulate the calling line identity (CLI) to make it appear as though the call is originating from an Indian mobile number. However, these calls are often made from abroad, leveraging technological advancements to mask their real origin.

Spoofed calls can serve various fraudulent purposes. One common scheme involves fake digital arrests, where callers impersonate law enforcement officials to extort money or personal information. Another prevalent scam is the FedEx scam, in which the caller claims there is a suspicious package in the victim’s name, often involving drugs or narcotics, to instill fear and coerce compliance.

Additionally, there are courier fraud schemes where the caller pretends to be from a courier service, alleging that a package containing illegal substances is linked to the recipient. These fraudsters often threaten legal action to intimidate the victim into making payments or divulging sensitive information. Impersonation of government and police officials is another tactic, with scammers adopting authoritative tones to create a sense of urgency and legitimacy.

A particularly troubling scam involves threats of mobile disconnections. Fraudsters impersonate officials from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) or the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), claiming that the victim’s mobile service will be disconnected due to non-compliance or unpaid dues. These calls are designed to panic the recipient, prompting them to act hastily without verifying the authenticity of the call.

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Understanding the nature and tactics of international spoofed calls is crucial for citizens to safeguard themselves against these malicious schemes. By recognizing the warning signs and maintaining vigilance, individuals can better protect their personal information and financial security from cybercriminals who exploit modern communication technologies for fraudulent activities.

Government Measures to Combat Spoofed Calls

The increasing prevalence of international spoofed calls with Indian numbers has prompted decisive action from the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and Telecom Service Providers (TSPs). Recognizing the potential threats and nuisances these spoofed calls pose, the DoT has issued comprehensive directions to TSPs aimed at mitigating this issue. One of the primary measures includes the identification and blocking of incoming international calls that falsely appear to originate from Indian numbers, a tactic often used by fraudsters to deceive recipients.

To ensure the effective implementation of these measures, the DoT has mandated TSPs to employ advanced technologies and algorithms capable of detecting anomalies in call patterns. These technologies are designed to scrutinize call origination points and verify the authenticity of caller IDs. Upon identifying spoofed calls, TSPs are required to block these calls, thereby preventing them from reaching Indian telecom subscribers. This proactive approach is part of a broader strategy to safeguard consumers and maintain the integrity of the telecommunications network.

Existing measures have also been put into place to combat spoofed calls originating from Indian landline numbers. TSPs have been instructed to reinforce their verification processes for landline connections, ensuring that caller IDs are accurately reflected. Enhanced monitoring and reporting systems have been established to detect and address any irregularities promptly. These systems are continuously updated to adapt to evolving spoofing techniques, thereby providing a robust defense against fraudulent calls.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Communications has emphasized the importance of collaboration between the DoT and TSPs in this endeavor. Regular audits and compliance checks are conducted to ensure adherence to the prescribed guidelines and the effectiveness of the implemented measures. Through these concerted efforts, the government aims to create a secure and trustworthy telecom environment for all Indian subscribers, significantly reducing the incidence of spoofed calls.

Introduction to the Sanchar Saathi Portal

The Sanchar Saathi portal, an initiative by the Department of Telecommunications, stands as a significant step towards safeguarding users from the growing menace of international spoofed calls and other telecommunication frauds. This citizen-centric platform is designed to enhance the security and safety of mobile phone users, providing them with essential tools to combat various forms of telecommunication-related crimes.

One of the standout features of the Sanchar Saathi portal is its capability to track and block lost mobile phones. Users can register their mobile devices on the portal, enabling them to swiftly report any loss or theft. By doing so, they can prevent unauthorized usage and potential misuse of their personal information. Moreover, the portal allows users to report instances of identity theft, adding another layer of protection against fraudulent activities.

In addition to these security features, the Sanchar Saathi portal plays a crucial role in monitoring and detecting suspicious communication attempts. Since its inception, the portal has successfully traced a significant number of lost mobile phones, helping users regain their devices and ensuring their personal data remains secure. The platform’s robust monitoring system has also identified numerous instances of suspicious communications, thereby thwarting potential frauds before they can cause harm.

Sanchar Saathi: Your Phone’s Security Partner

This government program helps protect your mobile phone from scams and theft. Here’s what it does:

  • Track and Block Lost Phones: Register your phone on the Sanchar Saathi portal. If you lose it, report it there to block anyone from using it. This protects your data.
  • Report Identity Theft: Someone using your identity for phone scams? Report it on Sanchar Saathi to fight fraud.
  • Stop Spoofed Calls & SMS: Getting fake calls or texts pretending to be from India? Report them through the Chakshu feature on Sanchar Saathi. This helps authorities track down the scammers.

Sanchar Saathi Makes It Easy

  • Simple Reporting: Report fraud easily through the Sanchar Saathi portal, no complicated steps involved.
  • Fast Action: Your reports reach the right people quickly so they can investigate and stop scams.
  • More to Come: Sanchar Saathi will soon let you report wrongly disconnected phone lines and help get your money back if it’s been frozen due to fraud.

Sanchar Saathi Keeps You Safe

By using Sanchar Saathi, you take charge of your phone’s security and help make the digital world safer for everyone.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert

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