WhatsApp is rolling out big design changes on iOS and Android to keep the app fresh and modern. The changes include a new green palette, darker dark mode, refreshed icons, and animations. These updates aim to provide a fresh and modern user experience while maintaining the core functionality of the leading instant messaging app globally.
WhatsApp, the most popular mode of instant messaging in the world, is introducing new design changes to keep the look of the app fresh. In a blog post, Idit Yaniv, VP and Head of WhatsApp Design at Meta, explained that as the app has grown in functionality, the design needed to evolve as well. The goal was to make the product feel more fresh and modern without disrupting its core functionality.
A New, Consistent Green Palette in Whatsapp
One of the major changes in the new design is the introduction of a new, consistent green palette within the app. Meta considered over 35 different color iterations before ultimately aligning with iconic green. The new palette allows for harmonious color pairings throughout the app, while also increasing the usage of neutral colors to be more selective about where and how the green is used.
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Dark Mode Gets Darker
Another significant update is the dark mode in WhatsApp, which now has higher contrast and deeper tones. This change aims to reduce eye strain in low-light environments. According to Yaniv, the app’s dark mode is now one shade darker for improved visual appeal and legibility.
Refreshed Icons and Animation
The app icons have also been updated to a more rounded form, matching the new iconography of the design. Additionally, WhatsApp now features an added animation for a more playful aesthetic.
With these design changes, WhatsApp aims to provide a fresh and modern user experience while maintaining the core functionality that has made it the leading instant messaging app globally.