Using the official Microsoft Store beta channel, the Meta-owned instant messaging service WhatsApp is releasing an upgrade for its native Windows app. The ability to start discussions with unknown phone numbers is one of the updates’ features.
Some beta testers may now test this functionality after installing the most recent WhatsApp beta for Windows 2.2342.6.0 update from the Microsoft Store, according to WABetaInfo.This feature will make it easier for users to start discussions and send messages to someone they may have just met or received a contact from by enabling them to launch a chat with an unknown contact without adding the phone number to the contacts list.
Chatting with Unknown Numbers Made Easier On WhatsApp
Furthermore, since adding the unknown contact to the contact list would have immediately added the new phone number to the privacy settings, the privacy settings also apply to it. Users can now message more privately thanks to this.
Some beta testers who installed the most recent WhatsApp beta for Windows from the Microsoft Store can now initiate chats with unknown phone numbers. In the coming days, more users will progressively be able to access this update if you haven’t already.