The Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) card, also referred to as the Ayushman Bharat card, is a health insurance program that was introduced by the Indian government. Its goal is to give poor and disadvantaged families in India financial support for secondary and tertiary healthcare services.
Citizens with the Ayushman Baharat card can receive free medical care at accredited facilities for up to ₹5 lakh. This is the online application process for the Ayushman Bharat Card.
Here’s what you’ll need to apply for Ayushman Bharat card online:
- Aadhaar Card: This serves as your unique ID for the application process.
- Mobile Phone: Linked to your Aadhaar Card for receiving verification codes.
- Basic details: name, address, income (if applicable), and PAN card number (optional).
Here are the benefits of the Ayushman Bharat card
- Cashless healthcare: At hospitals and healthcare providers nationwide that are affiliated with the government, qualifying persons can receive cashless medical treatment up to ₹5 lakh annually per family. This implies that you won’t have to pay for covered procedures up front.
- Extensive coverage: A wide range of medical procedures, including surgeries, medications, diagnostic tests, and physician fees, are covered by the plan.
- Pre- and post-hospitalization costs: Pre-hospitalization costs, including medications and diagnostic tests, are covered by the plan for three days, and post-hospitalization costs for fifteen days.
- No age restriction: The Ayushman Bharat program does not impose an age restriction on the use of its benefits, in contrast to many private health insurance programs.
- Free card: For qualified recipients, the Ayushman Bharat card is provided without charge.
Steps to apply for an Ayushman Bharat card online
- Visit, the official PM-JAY website.
- Select “ABHA Registration” and input the number from your Aadhaar card.
- A one-time password (OTP) will be sent to the registered mobile number. Input the OTP to continue.
- Provide your name, income, and PAN card number (if applicable) along with other essential details.
- The Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011 data will be used by the system to determine your eligibility.
- You can get a digital version of your Ayushman Bharat card if you are determined to be eligible.
Next Submission:
- The data from the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) will be used to validate the application.
- You will be notified and able to obtain your e-Ayushman Card from the PM-JAY website if your verification is successful.
- You can also pick up a physical card by going to the closest hospital with an Ayushman Bharat affiliate.