Understanding How Virtual Memory Works on Android

6 Min Read

Virtual memory is a core concept in modern operating systems, including Android. While often misunderstood and sometimes marketed under terms like Virtual RAM or RAM Plus, virtual memory is a standard approach for managing memory on mobile devices and desktops. Here’s a clear explanation of how virtual memory functions on Android and why it’s essential.

What is Virtual Memory?

Virtual memory is a memory management technique that creates an illusion for applications of having a large, continuous block of memory, even if the physical RAM is limited. It allows the operating system to use both physical RAM and secondary storage (like SSDs) to manage memory more efficiently. This system enhances performance, security, and multitasking.

A Brief History of Virtual Memory

The concept of virtual memory was introduced in 1959 at the University of Manchester with the Atlas Computer, one of the first systems to implement this innovative memory management. Before virtual memory, programmers had to manually manage data transfers between main memory and secondary storage, a time-consuming process. Virtual memory automated this, allowing applications to assume they had access to all primary memory without managing its allocation.

Virtual Memory on Android: A Library Analogy

Imagine a library where you can only keep a limited number of books on your desk. In traditional memory management, if your desk is full, you need to remove a book to add a new one. With virtual memory, it’s like having a personal shelf next to your desk where you can store additional books. When you need a new book, a library assistant (the operating system) retrieves it from the larger library (secondary storage) and replaces it with one from your desk if needed.

How Virtual Memory Works on Android

On Android, virtual memory operates through several key processes:

  1. Paging:
    • Virtual Pages: The operating system divides virtual memory into blocks called pages.
    • Page Table: Each application has a page table that maps these virtual pages to physical RAM pages.
    • Translation: The Memory Management Unit (MMU) translates virtual addresses to physical addresses using the page table.
  2. Swapping:
    • Swap Space: Android avoids traditional swapping due to performance reasons but uses zRAM.
    • zRAM: This compressed form of swap space resides in physical RAM, increasing memory availability by reducing inactive pages’ size. However, accessing compressed data requires decompression, which can impact performance.
  3. Low Memory Killer (LMK):
    • Process Management: When RAM is low, the LMK terminates background processes to free up memory for active applications. This aggressive management can sometimes affect user experience by restarting terminated processes.

Benefits of Virtual Memory on Android

  • Isolation and Security: Each app operates in its sandboxed environment with its own virtual memory space, preventing interference and enhancing security.
  • Efficient Memory Utilization: Virtual memory enables running multiple apps simultaneously by managing physical memory efficiently, allowing background apps to stay open and reducing the need to manually manage memory.

Performance Considerations

  • Page Faults: When an application accesses a virtual page not currently in physical memory, a page fault occurs, requiring the operating system to fetch data from zRAM or secondary storage, potentially causing delays.
  • Memory Compression: zRAM increases effective memory capacity but introduces latency due to compression and decompression processes.
  • Process Termination: The LMK’s aggressive memory management may lead to the termination of background processes, impacting app-switching performance.

Virtual Memory vs. Fast SSDs

Even with fast SSDs, virtual memory remains crucial. SSDs reduce the latency of accessing secondary storage but don’t replace the need for virtual memory. When a page fault occurs, faster SSDs improve retrieval times, enhancing system responsiveness when freeing up RAM by offloading less critical processes.

Optimizing Android with Virtual Memory

While there might be suggestions to limit or disable virtual memory, keeping it activated is generally recommended. Virtual memory optimizes performance, multitasking, and stability, providing a more efficient memory management system. Issues with specific implementations, like Samsung’s RAM Plus, should be considered temporary, as they are likely to be addressed by updates.


  • Virtual Memory: A technique that provides applications with an illusion of a large memory space using both RAM and secondary storage.
  • Key Processes: Paging, swapping (zRAM), and Low Memory Killer (LMK).
  • Benefits: Enhanced security, efficient memory use, and improved multitasking.
  • Performance: While virtual memory introduces some latency, it’s essential for managing memory efficiently, even with fast SSDs.

Understanding how virtual memory works on Android helps clarify how modern devices manage memory and maintain performance under various loads.

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